HP Ads - the computer is personal again

Soho's picture


HP has been running a lot of ads lately to promote the idea that their products are "personal". They hire recognizable celebrities and business men/women (Jay-z, Jerry Seinfeld, Serena Williams, Mark Cuban...) and have them run through a list of everyday events and personal business, while simulating these events through the use of slick graphics and interesting cinematography. At the end of the celebrities run-through they finish up with the tagline "the computer is personal again".

I find this tagline interesting in that it delivers the idea that your computer should represent who you are and what you enjoy doing (hence the run-through of a celebrities life).... it almost makes it seem as though a computer shouldn't be just an object you use in your everyday life, but it should be/become a part of you..it should be personal to you

Also by showing all the extraordinarily different things that these celebrities do (things that most of us only dream of) it delivers the idea that if these computers adaptable to these huge personas, then it can most surely be adaptable to "us"

Overall I find these ads effective in many ways, and I often find myself intrigued by these commercials and often looking a them on youtube

colgrunt's picture
Very cool effects

I loved these commercials when they first started them. I was so impressed with the creativity within the hand movements and such. Anyways, I wonder how this could be related to a CD campaign using a quote of some kind as HP did with "the computer is personal again." I don't know if past CD albums have used some sort of recognizable quote to promote their music album.

Submitted by colgrunt on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 02:00.
er0l12's picture
Fighting Apple

When they started this campaign I couldn't help but notice how they were advertising the same features as Apple does for their computers. I do think though that they do a much better job advertising compared to Apple. They use celebrities which helps but i'm not sure why they don't show their heads. Also the technology they use is really cool.

Submitted by er0l12 on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 04:18.
Not only did they have these

Not only did they have these commercials but if you remember before the celebrity commercials they had the commercials where people would take their photos and move them around. That showing that they could personalize their photos. Hp has moved away from that and did an overall package where you can personalize everything. I think this was a good promotion to bring up.

Submitted by cloud586 on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 09:04.
Girl's picture
I love these Ads

These ads took celebrity endorsements to an entirely new level. I had never seen an ad before where the face of the celebrity was unclear. The focus was placed on the computer. Brillant. I thought it was interesting how they showed how their product aids each celebrity in their business and social life.

I also liked how their fingers played the mouse. I haven't used that computer before, but with that hand/mouse deal...I thought the computer must be extremely easy to use.

Submitted by Girl on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 09:26.
twykoff's picture

The Mark Cuban one is pretty cool. The effects are really awesome. I think that putting the background as the arena where the Mavs plays would have been more effective, since he watches most games from the sideline.

Submitted by twykoff on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 11:15.
glmaster's picture
I get the feeling that the

I get the feeling that the people in the commercials aren't really the celebrities themselves, but rather look alikes. Why this is done? Probably to save money. They are using their real voices but I just don't think that it is the celebrity themself. This way they don't have to pay for their appearance but rather just there voice. I may be flat out wrong, but thats my theory. If I'm right, its one hell of a clever way to show celebrities endorsing a produce while saving a ton of money.

Submitted by glmaster on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 11:43.
CatTail1986's picture
I love these commercials

HP has been trying to make their product seem so 3D interactive, a product that could be as simple as moving your fingers in the air to get what you want. These commercials have loads of star power with the sound of their voice. Therefore they are using celebrates that are known for their voices.

So that your main focus is the product which is simply just navigated by a voice you recognize.

After the commercial it makes me feel like I should get a new computer because compared to the integration (fantasied) represented in the commercials my laptop is old fashion.

Submitted by CatTail1986 on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 11:49.
zmcnulty's picture
Jay-Z uses a Mac

What I think is funny though is that since those commercials, I've seen pictures of Jay-Z using a Mac. So obviously he doesn't really even use HP. I wonder how many other products are endorsed by celebrities that don't even use them.

Submitted by zmcnulty on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 11:53.
iamaustin's picture
While I believe that these

While I believe that these commercials are effective, I also believe that they are misleading. Regardless of whether they actually use a PC or a Mac, most of the activities that they mention using their computer for, require software that isn't included with either.

Some people will recognize this fact, however, many people will not. Because of this, I am sure that there are certain legal implications of their advertisement.

Besides this false advertising, I do not think that these commercials promote in any way why HP is a better choice than another company, which should be their primary goal... it is working for Apple.

Submitted by iamaustin on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 12:24.