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Extra Credit

posted Nov 13, 2014, 8:34 AM by J. Tirrell   [ updated Nov 17, 2014, 2:56 PM ]

All students have one overarching extra credit opportunity. To participate, a student must present a display over work created for this class at the English in Action Showcase.The Showcase is akin to a science fair but for English projects. It takes place on Wednesday, Dec. 3, from 3:00–5:00 in the Warwick Center. If you're interested, check out the participant guidelines and then complete a reservation form (either .pdf or .docx).

A student's display should present material created for one of the projects in this class. Displays may be posters (CSURF will print posters for you), trifolds, laptop presentations, or something else. Displays are multimedia objects, so elements such as images, tables, diagrams, video, and sound are encouraged. Students must be present during the English in Action Showcase to present their materials.

Through this opportunity a student may add up to four points to his or her "Engagement Assignments" grade component. Point assignment is at the instructor's discretion.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.