9/2 Activity

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To complete this exercise, review the following student-made instruction sets linked below. Select the three instruction sets that you feel are the most effective and post their names in a comment below. In the same comment, explain how you decided upon the three instruction sets that you selected using concepts from The Thomson Handbook, Technical Communication Today, and/or the Instructor Blogs.

Traits of Effective Reading Responses

jtirrell's picture

Now that we've had a couple of weeks to get our feet wet, we want to make sure that we're all comfortable with the expectations for Reading Responses. Everyone should have received a feedback email from me about his or her first Reading Response. Overall they were good, but just so we're all on the same page, I have put together a bullet list collecting the traits of effective Reading Responses based upon what I have observed. Keep in mind that Engagement Assignments, including Reading Responses, are a quarter of your total course grade.

8/31 Activity

jtirrell's picture
  1. Each group member will discuss his or her analysis with the group.
  2. After all group members have presented their analyses, the group will create a list of commonalities shared by group members.
  3. Each group will use its list to determine general precepts the whole class can use in this project.
  4. Groups will share precepts and we will form a class list.

8/26 Activity

jtirrell's picture

Go to the website eHow. Locate one instruction set that you feel is effective and identify what makes effective. Then, locate one instruction set that you feel is ineffective and identify what makes it ineffective. In a comment below, post links to your chosen effective and ineffective instruction sets. We will discuss the selections in class.

Welcome to ENG 204-002: Intro to Professional Writing

jtirrell's picture

Welcome to ENG 204-002: Intro to Professional Writing with Jeremy Tirrell. I will put updates and news that you should know on this home page. You will see it every time you log in.

The course flows through this website. As such, you should take some time to familiarize yourself with it. After registering for your account, you should look through the Syllabus, Calendar, and Assignments pages.

Again, welcome to the course! I hope you find it challenging and rewarding. If you have any questions, feel free to email me through tirrellj@uncw.edu.

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