
Atlantis Magazine Dreamweave Festival

posted Apr 4, 2016, 12:22 PM by J. Tirrell   [ updated Apr 4, 2016, 12:22 PM ]

Dreamweave is a festival that brings storytelling to life. The oral tradition of stories is a rich one, and we at Atlantis Creative Magazine want to engage both the creative writing community and UNCW’s general population in this artform.

When: Thursday, April 14th, from 7–9 p.m.
Where: Kenan Hall Courtyard, UNCW Campus
Who: You must be a UNCW student (undergrad or graduate) to have your story performed.

If you are interested in performing your original story, or would like to have someone perform it for you, contact Kyle Maples, Atlantis' Fiction Editor, at kgm7179@uncw.edu for consideration.

What to include in your email:
1. Name
2. Student email (if not sent from student email)
3. Phone Number
4. Story title
5. Story genre (fiction or nonfiction)
6. An attached file of your story
7. Specify if you want to perform your story or if you want a performer to read it for you.

Bring blankets and relax on the lawn as writers and performers weave original tales just for you!

Teal TV Positions

posted Mar 19, 2016, 4:16 PM by J. Tirrell   [ updated Mar 19, 2016, 4:16 PM ]

TealTV, UNCW's student-led YouTube broadcasting network, is currently hiring. Information is available through this link.

Reading Response Retakes

posted Mar 19, 2016, 10:04 AM by J. Tirrell   [ updated Mar 19, 2016, 10:04 AM ]

All students have the option to retake two Reading Responses. Students may retake in-class Reading Responses by scheduling an appointment with the instructor (preferably during office hours). Students may retake out-of-class Reading Responses by emailing the instructor. All retakes must be completed by May 5th.

Welcome to ENG 204-003: Introduction to Professional Writing

posted Jun 26, 2015, 1:28 PM by J. Tirrell   [ updated Jan 3, 2016, 11:09 AM ]

Welcome to ENG 204-003: Introduction to Professional Writing with Dr. Jeremy Tirrell. This is a hybrid course, which means that ordinarily we will have one period in our classroom (on Tuesdays from 12:30pm–1:45pm in BR 202) and one period online. Hybrid courses require more online interaction and self-governance than standard sections.

The course flows through this website, so it is crucial that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with it. Because much of your work will be independent, you should pay particular attention to the Calendar page, as it articulates the schedule of activities and provides links to corresponding materials. Additionally, the Home page collects updates and news that you should know, the Syllabus page describes course policies, and the Assignments page contains information about course projects and ancillary work.

Again, welcome to the course! I hope you find it challenging and rewarding. If you have any questions, feel free to email me through tirrellj@uncw.edu.

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