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Corporate Communication Project


The Corporate Communication Project asks students working in groups to analyze and respond to a real-world corporate crisis that has occurred within the last five years. (The class will examine the grounding of several JetBlue airplanes due to ice storms in February 2007 as a case study.) Groups will put themselves in the place of the corporation's public relations team and produce three separate but related materials for three distinct audiences:

  • a printed press release for news media outlets
  • an emailed internal memo for employees
  • a recorded (audio or video) message for customers

All of these materials should address the crisis in a professional, ethical, rhetorically-effective manner. To turn in these materials, groups will collect their printed press release, a printout of their emailed internal memo, and a CD with their recorded message burned onto it in a single folder with all group members' names on it.

Instructor's Note: It is likely that some of the corporate crises groups select already have corresponding responses online (such as press releases). This may present the temptation to borrow heavily from these documents while composing our materials. However, this project requires groups to produce original documents, so I will check for similarities between any official and student versions of these texts. (This of course does not mean that groups are forbidden to draw rhetorical strategies from official materials or other professional models.)


Bausch & Lomb contact solution recall (Team Awesome)
KFC coupon refusal (The Four Best Friends)
Mattel toy recall (The Dream Team)
Mattel toy recall (Team America)
Erin Victor Lauren
Paul No.
Ryan P.
Paul Ng.
Julienne Jayne
Ryan C.



  1. Crisis Analysis (5% of project grade and potential bonus points, individual)
  2. Gantt Chart (5% of project grade, group)
  3. Design Plan (10% of project grade, group)
  4. Press Release (20% of project grade, group)
  5. Internal Memo (20% of project grade, group)
  6. Recorded Message (20% of project grade, group)
  7. Materials Analysis (10% of project grade, group)
  8. Postmortem (10% of project grade, individual)

Course Information

Intro. to Professional Writing
ENG 204-003
MO 204
TR 8:00-9:15

Instructor Information

Dr. Jeremy Tirrell
Office: MO 150
Office Hours: TR 12:00-2:00 (and by appointment)

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