The FAQ is the place where we post all the questions we've gotten about the course. It may contain answers to questions you've had yourself, or hadn't thought to ask. Read through carefully, and if you'd like a question added, send it along.

  • Are the job application letter and cover letter the same thing? Yes. Both terms are commonly used in the business world, but they refer to the same document.

  • Do our reading responses have to be 300 words? Yes. Or a really good 299 words. That minimum is set to insure that reading responses get into the depth and specificity necessary to cover the material. Once you start referencing specifics from the text and describing their relevance to the course and your work, it shouldn't be too hard to meet the goal.

  • How do you grade reading responses and comments? We DO NOT go through and take a point off for every grammatical or spelling mistake. While the reading responses and comments should be polished and professional, we are ultimately interested in the originality and thoughtfulness of your writing. For reading responses, be sure to reference specifics from the text and tie them directly to your work in the course. General reading responses are not graded as highly as specific ones that demonstrate mastery of the material and relevance for the course. So pick out something specific from the readings that you find interesting, reference it, and discuss it. For comments, we favor those that generate discussion. It's okay to agree, but reference specifically what you agree with and why. You can also politely disagree, challenge, question, or develop classmate's ideas. Again, find something specific to work with and develop. Make the conversation interesting.

  • Do I really have to make five 100 word comments a week? Yes. Remember, mandatory instructor blog comments and peer editing comments don't count towards this total. You may comment on reading responses or all the other posts put up during the week (so this week, you can comment on the reading responses, skills inventory, or Step 1). Each week should have at least two posts that you can comment on. Additional comments beyond your first on the instructor blogs also count towards this total. Comments should be made from Monday-Sunday, but the best participation scores will be given to students who make comments throughout the week to keep the conversation going.

  • When something is due by midnight Wednesday (or Thursday, or Friday, etc), does that mean 12:00 am Wednesday or Thursday? When something is due on Thursday, June 14th by midnight, that means it is due by 12:00 am EST Friday, June 15th - the minute after 11:59 EST June 14. I know people are in many different time zones, but it is your responsibility to get the assignment in by midnight Eastern Standard Time on the required day, not midnight in your time zone.

  • What if I won't get the textbook for awhile? The front page of the course will have a post with pdf attachments of the first two weeks chapters. After that, you must have the textbook, so expedite shipping if you can't receive it by that time. The pdfs are located here.

  • How do I put my blogs in the right place? It's very important for the management of the course that you put your responses in the right category. You can select the category once you start a new blog post by choosing it from the drop down menu between the blog title and content. All the necessary categories are available in the list. Please choose the correct one (it should either be obvious or listed in the calendar.)


Formating in Blogs

I was just wondering how we format in the blogs. Mine always come out as one large paragraph and that is not how I want it to look. I tried the which I read somewhere to get a page break. What should I do?
jtirrell's picture

RE: Formating in Blogs

You'll need to click on "Input format" underneath where you enter text. If you set the input format to "Filtered HTML," the site will read carriage returns as page breaks. If you are using the rich-text editor, you will need to set the input format to Full HTML.
ssandqui's picture

Business Letter

Reading the calendar for week 4, Friday says to post your press release under letter draft. I assume this means to post your business letter and not the press release. Can you clarify this for me?

jtirrell's picture

RE: Business Letter

Yes, post your business letter draft to the "Letter draft" category on Friday, July 6.

Employment Project Revisions

After we make our revisions, do you want us to email you the revised documents with the revision notes or should we post this to a blog somewhere?

jtirrell's picture

RE: Employment Project Revisions

Revisions and notes should be emailed to your instructor before the July 11th deadline.

ssandqui's picture

Step 3 Corporate Communication Project

For step 3 of the project it states "After completing their own documents, students will analyze JetBlue's official letter to customers (attached below)". Where is this attachement as I cant seem to find it on that page?

jtirrell's picture

RE: Step 3 Corporate Communication Project

It isn't attached yet, because we don't want students to borrow from the official letter unnecessarily when doing their own drafts. It should be posted soon. It is posted now on the Corporate Communication project page and in Week 5 of the calendar.
mseeman's picture

Reading Response Week 5

In the calendar for week 5, it says post your reading response week 5 then read and comment on your group member's responses. Does this count towards the 5 reading response comments or do we need to do an additional 5 other comments?

jtirrell's picture

RE: Reading Response Week 5

It counts.

Service Learning Project

In the project description, it says that the client will be contributing to the grading process. Since we are making two brochures, I was wondering if they will be taking them together as a package or selecting one General Information brochure and one Caring For Your Pet brochure (possibly from different groups)?

Service Learning Grading

Good question. My assumption is that the client will choose one set of brochures, especially if a group makes a set that is very complimentary. However, the client may insist on taking one brochure from each, in which case I will probably give both groups an A on that portion of the project. Because this project is ultimately for the client, I will let them decide what they want.

Corporate Communication Project

I was wondering when we will get the graded version of the Corporate Communication Project. Are we going to be able to revise it, similar to the Employment Project?

jtirrell's picture

RE: Corporate Communication Project

The Corporate Communication projects should all be returned by the middle of week 7. You can revise them according to the stipulations on its project page.

SNL53's picture

Reading Response Week #8

Do we have a reading response for week #8? I'm assuming we don't because it is not on the calendar, but I saw that there was a tab for it so I just wanted to make sure.

jtirrell's picture

RE: Reading Response Week #8

No, we do not have a reading response for week 8; however, individual work blogs and group activity reports are still due.