Final individual activity report

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Individual Activity Report
Week 16
For: Professor Rivers

This week I worked to correct my section of the of the final draft. I first spent time reading over the professor’s comments about our rough draft of the project to get an idea of the areas in my section that needed to be upgraded. I had some issues with the consistency of the terminology that I used, so I had to decide on the terminology I was going to use and then use it all throughout my entire section. I also spent time this week citing my sources in MLA format and then fitting them into my section. I also looked at the other team member’s sections and made sure that my text style matched, as well as the spacing, and the bold text. This week I also spent time collaborating with my group via gmail in order to make sure each of us were doing our part to help the last week run smoothly. We worked well together and all did a nice job of being committed to the project. This week I also wrote the group activity report to summarize the groups efforts in the final week of class. I also spent a great deal of time writing the collaborative project, giving in depth answers of the overall work ethic of the entire team.